To Donate via BACS
Bank: Lloyds
Address: 12 Swan Street, Warwick, CV34 4BJ
Account Number: 00936612
Sort Code: 309915
Please include the department/fund you would like to donate to in the reference.
To Donate via Cheque
Please make the cheque payable to “SWFT Charity (DEPARTMENT/WARD NAME)” and send to the address below. We would also be grateful if you would include a completed gift aid form (see below).
Charitable Funds Officer
C/o Finance Office
Warwick Hospital
Lakin Road
CV34 5BW
Your donation can go further, at no extra cost to you or us, if you gift aid it.
Using a Gift Aid Form means tax can be reclaimed on a donation made by a UK taxpayer, effectively increasing the amount of the donation by as much as 25%