SWFT Charity operates many funds that you can choose to donate to. We believe that frontline staff and patients should have a say on how donations to the charity are spent. Each fund has a Fund Guardian who is closely involved with the department that the fund relates to, ensuring that charitable donations are used in the most effective way.

Some of our funds include:

General Purposes Fund

Donating to this fund will ensure your money goes where it is most needed. Not all of our funds receive the same level of support, so donating to the General Purposes Fund ensures smaller departments or areas of the Trust that don’t receive as many charitable donations can still have access to charitable monies to enhance their services.

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Aylesford & Rigby Units (Cancer Services)

Both the Aylesford Unit (Warwick Hospital) and the Rigby Unit (Stratford Hospital) offer excellent care for those suffering with Cancer. Both units are purpose built cancer units that treat hundreds of patients a year. Charitable funds have been used in the past to improve patient experience, from annual magazine subscriptions and information screens for patient waiting rooms, to bigger acquisitions, such as the recent purchase of an extra Scalp Cooling Machine for the Aylesford Unit, which decreases the chances of patients losing their hair when starting treatment, giving them a morale boost and increased self-confidence at a difficult time. The unit can now offer this service to even more patients because of your donations.

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MacGregor Ward (Children’s ward)

Warwick Hospital’s MacGregor Ward cares for children from 0-16. The ward relies on charitable donations for specialist, state of the art medical equipment, as well as patient entertainment, such as toys and games. Being in hospital is always tough, none more so than for children, who don’t always understand, or have the same patience or tolerance. MacGregor Ward has recently used charitable funds to develop the outdoor play area, allowing children the chance to play in the fresh air while taking their mind off things. This is just one example of how your donations help to enhance life in hospital for some of our youngest patients.

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Special Care Baby Unit

SCBU is a vital part of the Maternity structure at Warwick Hospital. The unit cares for babies that start life at a disadvantage, such as those born premature or with a defect. They ensure these babies have expert medical care, and do their best to help them grow into healthy young children. Charitable funds are necessary to provide comfort and enhanced facilities to babies and their parents during their stay. Donations are also used to aid with bereavement, aiding families when they need it most.

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Central England Rehabilitation Unit

The Central England Rehabilitation Unit was established in 2014 at Leamington Spa Hospital. The unit is a national centre of excellence, specialising in patient focused neurorehabilitation for adults with acquired brain injury. Donations are used for the purchase of specialist equipment, as well as games such as a table tennis set, that not only provide entertainment for patients, but also aid in their rehabilitation.

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The Cardiology Unit treats people of all ages, and provides diagnostic and treatment services for a patients with a range of heart conditions. There is an inpatient service, outpatient clinics and a Cardiac Catheter Suite for day-patients. Charitable donations make a huge difference to the unit, enabling the purchase of cutting edge medical equipment to enhance care, as well as going toward making the unit more inviting and comfortable for patients and visitors.

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Outpatients at Warwick Hospital

Outpatients is one of the busiest departments at Warwick Hospital, with hundreds of patients being treated by several different specialties every day. Charitable donations ensure the smooth running of the department with enhancements such as extra equipment for staff running clinics, and materials to ensure waiting areas are relaxed and comfortable for patients and visitors.

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Breast Care

The Trust provides high quality breast care services to our local communities. With charitable donations, we have been able to provide patients with their first bra after having undergone a mastectomy, as well as a camera for high quality clinical photographs. Additions like this greatly enhance the service we are able to offer our patients, and we appreciate all donations that allow us to continue this.

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District Nurses

Our amazing team of district nurses deliver care to those in the community. Charitable donations can provide our nurses with enhanced equipment to aid them in their work making sure that every member of our community that needs care receives it.

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